Pass Labs Aleph Amps With Dynaudio Speakers?

Have Dynaudio Contour 3.3 speakers mated with a pair of Pass Labs Aleph 1.2 amps. I'm not quite sure if that is the best combo. The midrange is wonderful, but I feel it is lacking dynamics and the bass could be a little better. I think the speakers may require more current than the amps are capable of. I'm wondering if I would be better off with one of the Pass X series amps (250 or 350), or maybe the Ayre V1x (I 'm using the Ayre K1x Preamp). Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Ah yes...confusing it with their stereo unit. Hard to believe the 200w/ch doesn't drive the Contours, eh?
Maybe there's something stingy in the pre's power supply or room acoustics?
Subaruguru, the Aleph 1.2 is not a stereo amp. It is a 200 watt per channel monoblock.
I use Aleph 2 monos (same as 1.2 stereo?) with Parsifal Encores, which use a Dynaudio-sourced 4 ohm 8" woofer.
They needed the Aleph 2's 160w/4ohms to get really dynamic below 50 Hz. Could be that the 3.3 is even a tougher load? In which case you'll have to try the X series and give up pur Class A. At least your house will be cooler in the summer! Good luck.
PS Are you sure you're driving the Aleph well? Impedence issues can get snarly. I use an Aleph P to ensure a great drive....

I have the Dynaudio Contour 3.3 with the Pass Labs X600 monoblocks. The dynamics and bass are one of the best I've heard. It's a match made in heaven. The X600 are very revealing and can retrieve the most minute detail with amazing clarity. I also used the 3.3's with the Plinius SA 250 MK.IV. The Plinius was able to drive the 3.3's with ease, and it too was an excellent match and a more warm and natural sounding amp.
