Pass Labs 350 or MC402 ?

Hi, i need choise about this amps.
I have listened a MC402 but not a Pass.
Because in my country not exist this brand.
but i have a possibility for buy here.

Any comments ?
Any recommendations ?

Showing 1 response by thesoundhouse

Depends on what speakers. I own a Pass Labs X350.5 and it matches quite well with my speakers which are Apogee Duettas Signature Ultimates hand crafted by Rich Murry. I will be upgrading my amp to a pair of XA 160.5 mono blocks sometime next year. I would really listen to as many amps as you can with your brand and type of speaker before you buy. It is something you should be sure of. I am very impressed with the Pass amps but sometimes they do not match up with certian speakers. My friend owns a pair of B&W 802Ds and we auditioned them with my amp with his speakers and it did not work so well.