Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated

Hello all!

Considering moving from PL to Pass Labs 150.8 and XP 20. Thinking about moving to separates and Solid state. The PL sounds awesome but I think I want a bit more punch on the low end and overall fullness. 

Would love to to hear feedback. 


Showing 1 response by lancelock

I listened to the primaluna vs a Musical Fidelity M6PRX at a local dealer at the time and went with the SS M6PRX. I wasn't super impressed with the Primaluna at least with the speakers I was auditioning.

i have since learned to love tubes and have the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40. The lack of transformers makes this sound unlike any other tube amp and probably more similar to the Pass Labs amps than the Primaluna. The Primaluna doesn't come close sonically.