Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated

Hello all!

Considering moving from PL to Pass Labs 150.8 and XP 20. Thinking about moving to separates and Solid state. The PL sounds awesome but I think I want a bit more punch on the low end and overall fullness. 

Would love to to hear feedback. 


Showing 7 responses by hambon

Thanks for the feedback. I have heard good stuff on the PassLabs 250.8. Especially paired up with SF OlyIII. Curious on what Preamp would fit the best. 
Thanks for all the feedback. I ended up purchasing Pass Labs x250.8 with the xp10. I can't believe how the sound has opened up. There is much more detail and openness with the Pass Labs gear. I was very hesitant in changing from tubes to SS, but glad I did. 

Happy listening. 
Well- Things have changed a bit. I am auditioning the xp20 v xp10. Don't know if I can tell any differences. I also did a speaker upgrade and traded in the SF III's to Wilson Sabrina's! Wow, what a difference. I love the Pass Labs, Wilson combo. It's a winner. I don't see how I can improve on the system. 
I had PL integrated amp prior to purchasing my Pass Lab equipment ; 250.8 and XP20. I would not say PL was junk at all. Quite the opposite, it is build extremely well. The sound from the PL is terrific. The only reason I moved away is I need more with my Wilson Yvette’s.