Pass Labs 150.8 and XP-20 versus PrimaLuna Dialogue Premier HP integrated

Hello all!

Considering moving from PL to Pass Labs 150.8 and XP 20. Thinking about moving to separates and Solid state. The PL sounds awesome but I think I want a bit more punch on the low end and overall fullness. 

Would love to to hear feedback. 


Showing 1 response by andrei_nz

The Pass Labs .8 series are truly excellent amps. I have a friend who has the 60.8. I  would go with a used Audio Research Ref 5se for the preamp.  IMHO it is better than the XP 20.  And ARC Ref preamps work really well with Pass amps. A little tube magic without as much upkeep.
I have the X150.8 and the OP will definatly get more punch in the low end.  I agree that the valve pre-amp and solid state power-amp is an awesome combination.