Pass Lab XA30.5 with Totems

Would this amp work with the Mani-2's, Forest or even Winds? In reading other posts on the Totems, they seem to want power but I have been deceved before about needing power. I have an old set of Martin Logan's Arius i speakers that "supposily" need alot of power but the Pass really make them sing without a lot of effort. Of course I am not into LOUD music either. Thanks..

Showing 2 responses by steveaudio

There are some past threads on the Mani-2's here that maybe you should look up. Mani-2's do like a lot of SS power IMO, like 200 wpc, I use a C-J 2500A.

Sometimes it pays to focus either on the speaker, or the amp, pick the one you want to base your system around, & go from there.....
*If you love the amp, and it doesn't quite work with the speakers, it is (still) a great SS amp. It was extraordinairy with my Merlin VSM-MXes (Pubul57)*

Merlin's are a great suggestion IMO, esp. w/a lower-power power amp. I had TSM's & loved them (w/in their limits). I love my Mani-2's now, but probably wouldn't try them w/a power amp w/o enough watts/current.

Nothing wrong with matching speakers to an amp that you really like.....I say keep the Pass amp, get speakers that work well with them.....