Pass Lab X5 vs. EAD Powermaster 8300

Any comments regarding your experience with any of these amps would be much appreciated.
x5 - far better than its price or specs would imply. At current used prices a total no brainer.
I have had an X5 for almost five years now. It is simply incredible, and has tremendous dynamics. My mains are Hales Rev 3's, and back to back with both an Aragon and an Adcom, the X5 simply puts them to sleep.

I've had the amp in once for service. I had it back in two days, no questions asked. The service is simply superb, and when I've asked, Nelson Pass answers the questions himself.

Without reservation...get the X5.
I have both a EAD powermaster 2000 and a Pass labs X5. They are very different amps, The EAD is very smooth and the Pass is very detailed and very good on vocals. The X5 is very powerful given its 125x5 rating. The Pass is top notch with vocals and in the bass department. I like the Pass because of the soundstage and the detail more then the EAD. The Pass has a tranferable waranty so that is also a plus. I have picked two very very good amps to compare.