Pass Lab x2.5 preamp owners -- plse help

A week ago I purchased a 1 year old x2.5 to replace a adcom gfp-750. I notice more detail in the mids and highs, bass has improved but my system sounds more 'bright'. I'm using a Proceed HPA-2, Naim CD3.5 and flatcap. have @ 300 hrs on new acoustic zen satori speaker and Matrix Reference XLR between pre and amp. Signal Cable power cords except to CD player. Focus Audio FS688 speakers with empirical jumpers. Naim recommended I plug all of this into a wiremold power strip, which i've done. When I was using the adcom-the mids/highs seemed more etched but not as bright sounding. I would like to someday move up to a Pass Labs amp, but in the mean time would like a cheaper alternative. Would a different power cord tame some of the brightness. Or maybe there just isn't good synergy with the Proceed? Before buying the Pass I didn't read anything saying that brightness was part of its 'sonic signature'. Thank you for any and all advice.
I have an X2.5 and don't find it to be bright at all. In my sytem is sounds neutral and clean. It will reprodouce what it is fed.

You might want to look at your source component, the Naim CD3.5 has a reputation for a forward midrange and high frequency brightness. Try to borrow an other CD player and see (hear) what happens.

Like Stehno and others said the X2.5 is allowing the high frequencies to 'pass' through more than did the Adcom. The X2.5 is a beautiful piece of equipment and I think I have a synergy mismatch with my amp or speakers. The Focus Audio have a very detailed high end (not bright in my opinion), but having had the Pass only a week, I'm going to give things more time before I make any major changes and might try a different pc. Thank you all for the excellent comments/suggestions!
I'm considering a Pass Lab x2.5 that's currently listed in Agon. Have a Levinson 27.5 amp and Thiel 2.4s; cdp to be determined. Is the Pass x2.5 a good choice from what's currently for sale in pre's from $1200-1800? I auditioned an old Classe DR-6 and was delighted with its warm, clear sound and 3D spaciousness, but had too much bkgrnd hiss with the Levinson. Any suggestions on pre's in this price range?

Also, I read that the Pass x2.5's volume control was digitally configurable from 1-100 so that you can maximize the number of steps based on your amp's sensitivity, and thus make each step quite small, not gigantic 3db steps?
I'm considering a Pass Lab x2.5 that's currently listed in Agon. Have a Levinson 27.5 amp and Thiel 2.4s
- Jim_wojno -

Hello Jim,

I have the Pass X1 (similar in sound as the X2.5) and the Thiel 2.4s like yours (amps Parasound Halo JC1s) and I found the X1 perfectly balanced airy super detailed and with fantastic soundstage
Highly recommended

My cent!
I have a 2.5 and don't find it bright at all. Probably system synergy isn't working.

