Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?

I have recently purchased a Pass Labs INT-25. It replaced a Wilsenton R8 with NOS tubes (EL-34). I feel that the sound im getting from the Pass is not 5000.00 better. Has anyone purchased a INT-25 and not been blown away from the sound? I do think  that the 25 has a wider soundstage.


Showing 1 response by voodoochillin


Many of us, myself included, read the reviews and get caught up in the hype. We expect “wow” moments. Unfortunately, that can make the journey longer towards satisfaction longer. I would forget trying to pick a part different elements of sound quality between the pass and your tube amp. Ask yourself if you are as musically engaged. Do you still get goosebumps moments? If not, I would move on.