Pass INT-25 better than Wilsenton R8?

I have recently purchased a Pass Labs INT-25. It replaced a Wilsenton R8 with NOS tubes (EL-34). I feel that the sound im getting from the Pass is not 5000.00 better. Has anyone purchased a INT-25 and not been blown away from the sound? I do thinkĀ  that the 25 has a wider soundstage.


Showing 1 response by armstrod

I have a Willsenton R8 in my second system right now, and it's terrific. It's not better than the Atma-Sphere gear in my main rig, but it's perfect for the living room.

Everyone is correct that you need to give the Pass some break-in before you can make a rational judgment. I'm not familiar with the INT-25 but I've owned a couple of Pass clone amps and it should sound great. That doesn't mean you'll necessarily like it better than the R8, regardless of the price difference.

After a reasonable break-in period for the Pass, trust your ears.