PASS INT-150 vs Sim Audio I-7 or JRDG

I'm looking for a good solid-state Int. Amp. to power a pair of Wilson Audio Sophias in a fairly large listening room - I've narrowed it down the PASS INT-150 or Sim Audio I-7, or maybe a Jeff Rowland Int. Amp.

Can anyone share their experiences with these Amps played through Wilson Audio (Sophia or W/P) Spkrs?
I had Sophias for several years, and always thought BAT sounded best with Wilsons in general.

I did not have the Continuum, but the Concentra II which i didn't understand what all the fuss is about.

I have owned the X250.5, which is marvelous---but haven't had the integrated in my system.
I did not have the Continuum, but the Concentra II which i didn't understand what all the fuss is about.
I have had two Concentra II's and loved the first. I later purchased another and tried it with W/P 7's and I didn't like it either. I can't speak to the newer designed Rowland gear, but my experience matches Keiths as far as the older design with Wilson.