Pass Aleph vs. McCormack: What to Expect?

I currently own a Pass Aleph 3, which I like alot! It is detailed but not brash, and somewhat liquid in sound. I am missing some bass response though. I'm thinking of a McCormack DNA 125, or perhaps another Aleph 3 to bi-amp. Has anyone compared these two amps to shed light on this decision? Will the bi-amping help improve bass response? Thanks.
Thanks for filling me in Evansdad. While i knew that the Aleph 3 chassis was probably FAR more costly to produce than that of the Volksamp 30, i had to wonder how they could increase parts count and lower the price so drastically. I thought it might at least be worth mentioning as Peter S might not have been aware of the existence of such a unit. Sean

I believe you , the same has happened to me !!!!! The ltest I did as to isolate the amp from floor and guessed it bass improved a lot and the better power cord I used improved performance all across the board
You are missing the bass response because of the lack of power of the Alpha 3. Another "over-rated" power amp thanks to Stereophile. The McCormack DNA-1 will eat this amp for breakfast, my friend...........................
aleph lacks bass due to power, has incredible musicality and period outpaces the Mc.

power cord for the aleph is over rated. All alephs charge themselves fully and operates at full power at all times... anyone selling a bigger better faster power cord is simply making money or selling themselves on their own investment

the only way to make an aleph sound better is with better internals or interconnects/speaker cables and more efficient speakers.

maybe the spikes help and someother stuff that I haven't thought of

aleph is more costly due to casing and its inherient vibration proofness as compared to the volksamp

is there more better stuff in the volks??????