Pass aleph 5 vs. mccormack 125

Need a good 2 channel amp to drive my newform research r645's which are 91 db's efficient. Has anyone heard both these or can recommend a great rocking amp for $1500? Preamp is melos ma 333.Thanx

Showing 1 response by john_l

If you want some power, I recommend the dna over the pass labs. It's a better amp for rock. The pass labs is better for quieter music. I used to own the dna1revaGold and the pass labs aleph 2. The pass labs had a more pure sound with amazing clarity, but did not have anywhere close to the power of the dna. I was driving ap virgos which are 89 or 90 db efficient. A stereophile article a few months back (nov 00) had a review of the dna 225. Rubinson remarked that it was pretty close to his old dna1revA. He said it was pretty much a toss up for sonics. I found that hard to believe given the superior parts quality of the dnaRevA.