Parasound vs. Bryston

I am currently looking into acquiring either a Bryston 4B ST amp or a Parasound HCA 3500 amp to power a pair of Paradigm Studio 100's. Any thoughts, preferences, or experiances with either of these two amps? Thanks.
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Showing 1 response by sdcampbell

After auditioning both the Parasound 3500 and the Bryston 4B-ST about a year ago, I bought the Bryston. It is an outstanding amp with first-class build quality, excellent power and soundstaging, and the unmatched 20-year transferrable warranty. Bryston also provides customer service that is the standard for the industry. If you decide to buy the Bryston, I suggest you contact Danny Oovlin at "Bestofdeal", who operates a clicks-and-mortar audio dealer in Santa Clara, CA. Danny offers excellent prices on Bryston equipment, and I found his service to be prompt and professional. The easiest way to reach Danny initially is by E-mail at: Send him a note with your phone number and he will call you back.