Parasound A21

Hi Guys,

This is my first post so please accept my appologise for being not technical/ wrong!

I've a set up consisting of

CD Player Primare CD31
Speakers Paradigm S4
Parasound speaker stands
Subwoofer 2 x Rel T3
Preamp Parasound P3
Power amp Parasound A21
Belkin power purifier
Nordost Red Dawn interconnects XLR and RCA
Nordost Red Dawn biwire speaker cables

I'm pretty happy with my system but i still feel somehow it isn't completed! Hence, I've 2 questions which i'd like your advices/ comments on?

1. To me, the use of XLR on my system doesn't produce as good sound as RCA (interconnect between CD player and Preamp) due to RCA allows me to adjust the Treble and Bass on the Parasound P3. Will this story be completely opposite with say the Parasound JC2 preamp?

2. I'm tempting to obtain a used Parasound A21 to trial biamp or bridge mono setup. I do understand this is not a real biamp as i still have the passive cross overs in my speakers! (my gears are still under warranty). Hence, can you guys please give me some advices on whether i should biamp/ bridge mono? I love to have more of that airness sound come out of the speakers (not sure if i've explained correctly here!)

Thanking you all in advance for your advices

Showing 13 responses by primare_cd31

Milpai/ Macrojack,
The XLR doesn't allow me to use tones control. I feel the sound openess or clearness is better with the RCA (with the use of tone control). Hence, I'm quiet reluctant in swapping the P3 for JC2 (no tone control).
However, I'd like to know if the JC2 does live to its name and without the need for tone control!?
Are there any real differences in using the Belkin instead of PS Audio, Nordost, etc AC Conditioner?

I've replaced the stock power cord with Choseal power cord! They're cheaper as i'm not sure if the sound will improve through spending serious money into power cables. I do believe this is the case for interconnects and speaker cables!

Thank you all for your replies
Thanks guys.
However, what will happen to the impedence mismatch when running difference brand power amp.
I've added on a Bryston LP2 (run in daisy chain) to feed signal into the 2 x Rel T3
I'm considering to replace the Parasound P3 with Moon P5 or JC2 preamp eventhough i'm a bit reluctant with the Moon due to the impendance issues. A bit confuse here!
Hi Guys,

I've just purchased the Parasound JC2 Pre from anotehr audiogon member - Soundlock and i's on its way to Australia. I also hope to win a Parasound A21 on ebay this Sun! I'll bridge mono 2 Parasound A21 with JC2 Pre, Primare CD31, 2 Rel T3 and all Nordost interconnect. I can't wait to hear a big sound improvement (day and night!) comparing to my current setup.
Any comment on my propose setup or expectation?

Happy Listening!
Thanks Ellyjr

The JC 2 pre is on its way to me. I didn't win another Parasound A21. I only have 1 Parasound A21. Hence, i still have the freedom in pruchasing another Power Amp for biamping!
I've the Paradigm S4 and they aren't strong in producing bass. Should i use the current Parasound A21 for mid and woofer and purchase say the smaller Parasound A23 to power the tweeter?
I'm opened for suggestions on how to biamp and the amp brand(s)

Thanks Ned2865.
Yes, i've purchased the Parasound JC2 preamp from Soundlock and waiting for it to arrive.
I really hope the sound will improve dramatically!
Thanks Ribdll
Does it mean i won't fully benefit with my JC2 and A21 setup? However, do you think i'll notice a clear improvement with this setup?

Has any anyone out there also have this setup JC2 + A21? What do you think by comparing with P3 + A21? I'm also very temping the JC1s...
Hi Guys,
Has anyone pair the Parasound JC2 pre + Parasound A21 with Kef 205/2?
I've Primare CD31 CD player
Ok...I've purchased the Kef Ref 205/2. My system now consists of
Primare Cd31, Parasound A21/ JC2, Kef 205/2, Nordost Red Dawn interconnects/ speaker/ power cables and Belkin computer servers surge protector!
And the and night improvement! The Kef Ref. goes very well with the Parasound gears.
This also proved that i was wrong in saying unbalance system sounds better then a proper balance system! A proper balance system with high end speakers sounds incredible

Great Listening!

Primare CD31 does have balance/ XLR outputs. I run XLRs through out my entire system. However, the big improvement achieved through adding the Parasound JC2. However, i still have a weak link in my system! and it's the Parasound A21. The JC2 was made to be used with JC1's

What's your setup?
I guess the A21 with 250w/ channel is about enough for my Kef 205/2. However, beside being almost fully balance, the JC1s also have a lots more current then A21 - 60 vs 135 amperes and current = control
I guess JC1s will be my next upgrade!

Has anyone pair the JC1s with JC2? Do they sound much better than A21 with JC2?

IMO, If you have a close to fully balance system, good cables and ref. type speakers then i'd say XLR's will do better. RCA's tend to give more artificial sound and narrower sound stage
Hi All,

Can you please let me know if anyone has run the Parasound JC2 preamp with McIntosh MC402 or MC602 or MC501 pair?

I've upgraded my speakers to Kef 205/2 and they seem to go well with McIntosh. However, I don't want to change my Parasound Preamp JC2 to McIntosh preamp.

Do you also know who can help me to convert the McIntosh from input AC 115V to AC 240V for Australia?

I've posted a new thread on the Sander Sound System Magtech stereo amp and Magtech power amp. Has anyone been using one of these? What's your opinion in stacking them agaisnt the JC1s or Byrston 7BSST?