Paragon Model 12 A against Audio Research SP-8/10

Hello folks,

some Audiohpiles keep telling me that the Paragon Model 12A beats out an SP-6/8 or Sp-10 preamp from AR.

Has anyone had any comparrision with this Bruce Moore design. I have never heard one.

The Luminescence is out of my budget, so I am referring to the Paragon only.


Showing 2 responses by stefanovitch

That sounds very interessting at all.

To the dull sound that could be becouse of bad tubes or bad caps.

I have heard other people saying that they rebuilt it news, caps, new tubes, better modification get a more silent MM cartdrige and of course a net filter against dirty power.

Some others say it is still the best preamp ever made.

Well, I still can resell it if I don't like it.