Paradigm vs. Velodyne

For all round (music and home theater) applications, would you choose the Paradigm Refrence Servo Sub or the Velodyne HGS-18?
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Showing 2 responses by shayner

The Velodyne is superior in every way, but it should be. It costs more than twice as much. The velodyne is more accurate, and goes deeper with a higher SPL, especially good for home theatre. Two HGS 15 is overkill in all but the largest rooms and would cost more still, if that matters to you. Good luck. They're not too easy to find used either. (I've been looking) Happy listening! Shayne.
Smoothed infinitely? Only if you have a 1/3 octave RTA to make such fine measurements, and even then unless the room is huge, it would be tricky. By the way, 2 subs only nets you about 6db more SPL than one sub, not a large amount, especially considering what one of those things will do. Not to mention the extra wiring and room needed. This was not a personal attack on your opinion Carl_eber, so put on some tunes and relax. Have a good day, guys. Shayne.