Paradigm vs Vandersteen

I am considering switching paradigm studio 100 v3 speakers for Vandersteen signature 2ce series speakers.Any thoughts
or experience with either/both?-----
Mostly listen to Jazz----some rock-easy listening--
Any thoughts would be appreciated----thanks
The Vandersteens are far more refined, more listenable for long periods and they offer a true taste of what high-end audio is all about. They're not the most revealing speaker in the world, and they don't have the clarity of some of the competition, but you can't go wrong with the 2Ce Signature.
I owned the 2CE's for twelve years during which time I used Audible Illusions, Audio Research, Krell and others with varying results. Throughout all the equipment changes, the Vandies remained and held their own every time. As Stevecham says, the soundstage goes way behind the speakers. I listen to Jazz primarily along with some Country and Rock and Roll, all at fairly low levels. My vote goes to the Vandersteens.
I would think long and hard about the Paradigms, they are very detailed, to a fault and I think they are very fatiguey (sp?). I think if you listen to the difference in the timbre of cymbals on both the choice will be clear for the Vandy's, especially if you listen to a lot of jazz.

Also agree strongly with the present v. invite comment by Stevecham.

Don't rule out Thiels.
A friend of mine drives 2Ces with Adcom electronics. My impression is that the Vandersteens are timbrally very accurate, if not the most exciting speaker. Of course most "exciting" speakers become fatigueing in the long haul. Ultimately Vandersteens, like Thiels, are about coherence and even response, which at the end of the day, provides a cleaner window on the music, IMHO.