Paradigm vs. Aperion Audio

I own some Paradigm Studio 20 v.2's that I absolutely love. I was wondering the general opinion is of Aperion Audio? They just released the 632 bookshelf speakers which are supposed to be about the same specs at the Studio 20's. I found very few reviews of Aperion speakers in general (aside from audioreview and cnet etc) Thanks guys
Don't know anything about the 632. Still have a pair of Aperion 502b's in one of my systems. The 502's really are a midrange speaker, that ignored the extreme highs and lows and concentrated on the vital midrange.

On certain tracks the midrange comes surprisingly close to my $3000 Focus Audio FS688's!
I have a pair of Monitor 7's and their 10 inch sub - very musical. I listened much further up the food chain and finally decided that $5000. (or an extra $3500.) was not enough to justify the extra 5% of listening. When paired with a good amp like my Cary Rocket 88 I really feel they have more going for them than the Joseph Audio's I heard paired with an Arcam FMJ A23.