Anyone else?
Paradigm Studio 20 v3 VS Ascent Acoustics Sierra1
I'm presently using the Studio 20 v3's. I've had them for years and really like them BUT (and there's always a BUT, isn't there) I feel the treble can be a little on the bright side occasionally causing listener fatigue. I realize that some CD's cannot be tamed no matter what. Perhaps the aluminum tweeter could be the reason? I've read that the metal based hard dome tweeters are generally brighter than the non-metal based soft dome ones. Any truth to this? This is why I'm leaning towards the Sierra-1 which has the soft dome tweeter. Also, the Paradigm Studio 20 v5 is a considerstion. Anyone make direct comparisons with the v3 &v5? What improvements if any? Smoother highs? I'm willing to spend between $1000.00-$1200.00 new or used.
Source: Resolution Audio Opus 21 complete 4-piece system
(no interconnects, all direct connections).
Speaker cable: Cardas Neutral Reference
Source: Resolution Audio Opus 21 complete 4-piece system
(no interconnects, all direct connections).
Speaker cable: Cardas Neutral Reference