Paradigm or Energy

I'm interested in two different speakers. 1) Paradigm Monitor 3 or 2) The new Energy Connoisseur C-3. They will be purchased in a set of four as front and surrounds. Driving them will be a Denon AVR 3802. I've read all of the reviews on the Paradigm and they are spectacular but there's not much written on the Energy’s. They're both priced exactly the same. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your help.

Showing 1 response by bishopwill

Have heard them both and, to my ears, the Paradigms are the better by a significant margin. Less coloration and more dynamic presentation. I'm currently using Paradigm Studio 100v2 for my HT mains, and Studio ADP and CC for surrounds and center, respectively. Well pleased with them for movies; wouldn't be my choice for 2-channel.

Good luck and happy listening. Let us know which you choose and why.
