Paradigm Monitor 5v2 - Studio 40 v3 - worth it?

I'm planning to upgrade my Monitor 5 V2 with premiere S-series stands & NAD c320BEE int. amp within the coming weeks, I am thinking of just making a step up the ladder to the studio 40s with a higher end NAD int amp also (c352/372).

Anyways, I am wondering what you guys think about the studio 40 v3s vs the monitor 5 v2s? Is the price difference worth it? And what do you recommend for amplification for a room about 15x20 in size.
The Studio line have always been quite a step up from the Monitor line. It would be worth it IMO. As for amplification, there are quite a lot of choices.
At one point I upgraded from Monitor 7's to Studio 60's. It was a certainly a worthwhile and significant upgrade. If you have the funds, go for it.
Great, for great response, I am going to demo the studio 40s shortly at my local dealer, I am still wondering about amplification, would the NAD C352 (80w per/ch) be enough? Or should I go with a pre amp + power amp combo? Only going to be using this for 2 ch music.
I made the move from the Monitors to the Studio series several years ago. I recently demo'd my v.1 Studio 60s versus the newer v.3 series. What a difference. Definitely go for the Studio v.3's.

I have driven the Studio 60's with an 85 watt Parasound amp and they sounded great. I think the NAD amp you are considering is an excellent product and you would have an awesome system. Now just add the Cambridge Azur 640C cd player and you have it made.

Good Luck
I have Monitor 5v4's and used to have Studio 40v1's. The Monitor 5v4 is nearly (but not quite) as good as my old Studio 40's. But I have recently auditioned the Studio 40v3 vs the Monitor 5v4 and the difference is significant. The Studio 40 is not worth twice the price but such is the life in audio, we frequently pay twice the price for incremental improvements. The new Studio 40 is considerably better than my old Studio 40's. If I had the money however I would not buy them. I love my Monitor 5's and when (yes I am an audiophile I do mean when not if)I replace them I will move past the Studio 40's straight up to ProAc. I might add that the Paradigm Signature series is simply stunning. I heard the S2 with good electronics and the sound was incredible.