Panel Sound

I really like the Martin Logan "wall of sound" and am curious what other speakers have this same quality. I think i have ruled out Quad (cost and reliability) but would consider Magnepan or Gallo 3.5. I like the immersive quality of the Logan's and want a huge soundstage. I listen to rock, blues, folk and indie.

The Gallo 3.5, Maggie 3.7 and ML Vantage/Ethos would all be roughly the same cost.

Showing 1 response by mrmb

My "stats rule" remark was made in a post titled "panel sound". Within that realm, and within the flavor of the topic, my comment is actually quite proper, should that be my belief.

Cheroot: I don't believe Shakeydeal's exception was about your love of stats, but your:
the BEST STATS are made by Roger Sanders. Nothing can be better.

I believe that your comment was pointed out, because anyone hanging around this site for more than a few hours or around high end audio equipment in general, should understand that there is no best; especially a design type by of all things, a single designer!

While you may love stats as I do, I also understand that every design/type/style of every piece of equipment that we own and value, has it's strengths & unfortunately weeknesses.

Come on: the BEST is made by _____ and nothing is better --- Really?! Or was this just a tongue-in-cheek statement meant to garner the comment that Shakeydeal made?