Panamax 12 volt trigger Hint

Hooked up my new Panamax Max 5500 today . I even bought a 1/8" male to male cable in advance. So I hook it up and the preamp wont turn the Panamax on or off. You know I am not happy. So I call Panamax which only takes a minute to get them on their 800 line , and guess what? the cable I have is a stereo cable with 2 black stripes on it and it won't work. You need a mono cable. Ok so I run over to Radio Shack and there are none in the store !!! Luckily I got a nice guy who had a look in the basement stock room and found one. Now it works great. BTW none of the manuals for the Pre or Panamax explain that you need a Mono Cable! I hope I can save someone a little hassle with this post. PS The Panamax is a real cool well made very hefty 26lbs!
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Showing 1 response by vongwinner

Boy! that has happened to me multiple times! Now I know through experience!! I just pulled out the stereo cable half way and that work for a time. (unitl I could get my lazy bum back to radio shack!)