Pairing advice

After a long search I have my speaker choice down to either the Aerial 5t or B&W 705s2. Leaning toward the 5t as they sound a little more mellow. I love detail but not brightness which I felt the 705s leaned to. My problem is I don't have any dealers within 500 miles that carry either speaker with my Moon 340i integrated and Moon cd transport.  Has anyone heard either or these speakers paired with Moon products that could give me at least some idea of how they pair?
What do you currently have? B&W does have a rep for voicing their speakers tipped up in the top end. Consider your room acoustics and type of music you listen to. 
Dagery, that is one hellaciously fine amp! I had the pleasure of doing somewhere around 3 hours of serious seat-time with one several months ago, paired with Martin Logan Motion 60xti and GoldenEar Triton 2+.

Why stand-mounters? Small sound room? Do you have a sub in the mix?

Having not heard either of your two contenders, I can't offer anything in the way of solid advice. Speakers are too personal a choice anyway. However, I can say I've done about 1.5 hours of serious seat time with the Aerial Acoustics 6T, paired with a MAC tube stack (i.e. MC275) recently and, this month, the B&W 702s2 paired with a Denon and, then, a  Pioneer 100 watt AVR. The Aerial 6t & MAC stack matchup was absolutely stupendous! That is a truly outstanding speaker! Unfortunately, my amp (Mcintosh MA5200) just didn't have a big enough power supply to do them justice. The B&W matchup with those two different AVRs were nice, too.

Going on specs alone with your two contenders in mind, I suspect the reason(s) you found the B&W leaning toward brightness is because they are primarily an 8 ohm nominal load design and your amp is a real powerhouse, very conservatively rated at 100 watts (likely more like130 to 150, I'd say). Those Aerial are a 4 ohm design. They need more juice. Specs, especially with speakers, are always to be taken with huge grains of salt! However, seems like the Aerial will perform a little better in low bass and likely will be more accurate & detailed than the B&W. Maybe this and the 4 ohm design are why you found them a bit more "mellow".

If you don't have any dealers within 500 miles, how did you hear them? Home demos? Friends? Did you listen under relatively controlled conditions (e.g. amp like yours; room like yours; equipment like yours; etc.)? I'm all but certain your amp has more than enough power & current to rock the B&W and would wager the Arial, as well, but it's always a good idea to do some controlled critical listening, first, if possible. Always trust your ears!
Thanks guys. Older age has resulted in downsizing. My room is 13x13 opening to a dining room and kitchen thus the stand mounts. My dealer carries the Aerials but not Moon products. I was able to hear them with a bryston and classe integrated. I absolutely love the speakers sound but cant find anyway to pair them with the Moon.  Im not as proficient as a lot of you guys in understanding impedence,HZ, wattage ,etc.  I promised my wife this will be the final system!  So, I want to make sure the Moon pairs well. Im pretty much sold on the 5 ts. This will be a music only system 50/50 classical and classic rock and 95% cds.  Not sure about a sub yet waiting until i have a chance to set up and listen in home