Pair of Rel S510’s or Carbon Special’s?

I’ve been considering adding subs to my system and am considering whether to go with S510’s or Carbon Specials…. Any thoughts? Here is my situation:

-Very large open room (open concept) with high vaulted ceilings

-B&W 802 D2’s

-Gryphon Diablo 300 amp

-Looking for MILD and subtle bass support for my speakers in my big room. For reference I tried the new, larger B&W 801 D4 speakers with my amp and thought there was way too MUCH bass…

-Despite the large room, the layout makes large subs out of the question. Carbon Specials would work. But size-wise would prefer the slightly smaller S510’s

-Don’t care about home theatre

-I do care about speed and bass definition and quality.  The more bass nuance and detail the better.

-I don’t care that much about getting down to the very lowest frequencies. Just need a bit lower than what my 802’s do

-Subs will be positioned about 6” on the outside of each main speaker. This is the ONLY place they could go…

-I’ve invested heavily in quality cabling (Nordost Valhalla 2 speaker cables, AudioQuest Dragon power cord, etc) and have a USB reclocker and network isolation switch. Just pointing out as all these elements have added precision, ambience, clarity and space to the sound of my system.

Anyone with experience in both the S510 and the Carbon Special have any thoughts on which way to go?




Showing 2 responses by arafiq

I say, buy the most expensive REL you can afford. Of course, bass quantity is important, but IMO the most important quality of a music-focused sub (like REL) is speed. The drivers have to be very quick and must start and stop on a dime.

Based on my listening, I think Carbon Specials will give you more speed. And I say this as someone who owns a pair of S/510s which are no slouch either :)

OP was particularly asking for comparisons and feedback for two specific REL models. That's why some of us stayed within the parameters of the initial ask. It doesn't mean we believe that REL is the only game in town.

Anyways, I still feel that driver speed is much more important than sheer bass output for subs dedicated to two-channel listening. This is exactly why REL is preferred over other HT-focused brands, despite much lower power output. But I agree that they need to do better to help with placement flexibility. I don't understand why they only provide 0 or 180.