Oyaide Cables

Information on this cable brand was showing up in another thread, which is fine, but I figured this cable line deserves it's own thread.  I have very little experience with the brand so far as I have only had the Black Mamba V2 PC  in my system for about 200 plus hours and just installed the  TUNAMI GPX-R V2 PC last night.  I only need one PC for my system at this time as my Integrated amp has a DAC and my music streamer doesn't take after market PCs.    Firstly, the Black Mamba V2 PC is excellent.  I know audio is very system dependent, but in my system the BM V2 was the best PC I have had, it really made a noticeable difference.  It kind of gives you the  best of both words, good clarity and extension but at the same time the system is relaxed and natural sounding.  Very important if you have a lot of rock and pop and poorly produced material in your music collection.   The Tsunami GPX-R V2 PC improves upon the BM V2 in that the air and spacing is better, the stage is deeper and wider,  and the bass is still tight, but thicker.   I am thrilled with these PCs so I ordered the Tunami Nigo V2 speaker cables and those should be here soon.  I am very happen with the Western Electric 14 GA, but after hearing how good their PCs are, I just had to give the Oyaide SC a try.     Anyway, bottom line is I suspect it would be very hard to find a line of cables that sound this good at such affordable prices.  A Big thanks to Wig for letting me know about these PCs and Speaker cables and guiding me along.  

Showing 33 responses by lak

I believe one gets a lot of bang for the buck with the Oyaide brand, not perfect but what do you expect for a moderately priced cable that one can purchase on eBay from Japan yet still pay less than buying it in the good old USA.

At one time I had an Oyaide silver digital cable and I thought it was very good and priced right.

I'm currently using one Black Mamba V2 power cable which I burned in on my cable cooker and it's a darn good sounding power cord that I have on a CJ preamp, as I mentioned in the other thread I thought the BM was a tad more refined and natural sounding than the Furutech SO22N power cord. Out of curiosity, I tried the BM to power my Plinius SA Reference amp, that did not turn out well :-(

I recently received a TUNAMI GPX-R V2 power cord which is burning in on my cable cooker as we speak, based on what you gentleman posted above I look forward to it being an improvement.

I don't mean to throw in a curve ball here or take the discussion away from Oyaide products but I want to pass on some information here that I came across by accident yesterday when aniwolfe was messaging me which caused me to try an experiment.

I forgot about the Core Power Technologies (CPT) newer and improved inexpensive Super Stroke power cord I had. This is a regular power cord (no balanced power) that is 76" long, 12 gauge wire I believe, 10/16 wide, flexible, and lighter in weight and more flexible than the TUNAMI GPX-R V2 power cord but heavier and less flexible than the BM. I'll have to do some continued listening and testing with the Super Stroke but a real eye opener at a cost less then the BM I think. If anyone else has a Super Stroke power cord, I'd be interested in your thoughts?
@wig, I have had a hard time understanding the difference in build between the Black Mamba V2 and the Yunami GPX V2. I have both of them and of course I realize that the Yunami is a heavier in weight and a stiffer power cord but do you or anyone else know the difference in build and materials used etc?
Have any of you had the opportunity to try the Matrix power cord?
I'd really like to get my hands on one but right now I'm shelling out $225 per week (since November) for physical tharpy :-(
I've come to the conclusion that on my CJ preamp I prefer the Black Mamba over the Tunami, the Black Mamba just sounds more natural to me and lacks nothing. I still need to try the Tunami on my amp.

As I mentioned before the Super Stroke for only ($99) is a heck of a good power cord that I would rate right up there with the Black Mamba, Furutech SO22N, and an oldie but goodie that I also took out of retirement and tried on the CJ preamp, my Electraglide Epiphany X.
Don't count out any of those older power cords, they might really surprise you!
I've had to use a bit more than normal pressure to install my Black Mamba and Tunami power cords.
Should not hurt a thing to try aniwolf's suggestion ;-)
@ozzy, you and I have similar tastes and over the years have used many of the same power cords so I'm very anxious to hear your thoughts on the Matrix power cord. My thought is it's going to be a keeper and excell over the Furutech DPS-4 etc.
I decided that I prefer the Black Mamba on the CJ preamp (only place I was searching for a power cord) although the TUNAMI GPX V2 does sound very good and in my system better suited for other front-end components or amps. I thought it sounded very good on my Solid state amp, tube amps and class D amp. I’ll have to list it for sale as soon as I get around to it. I currently have the TUNAMI GPX V2 on my Audiodharma Cable Cooker for some additional break-in time.
@tuffy72561 I think it all depends on how much money you want to spend. I've not heard the Matrix power cord but my experience with all of the Cerious Graphene power cords, what I've read others have said that own the Matrix and my gut is telling me to go with the Matrix Power Cord. The Oyaide TUNAMI GPX-R V2, I'll bet would sound very good but to my surprise, I've not heard that power cord either, turns out I purchased the TUNAMI GPX V2 power cord which is slightly different but still very good at a fraction of the cost of the Matrix.
Don't misunderstand the Furutech SO22N and DPS-4 are good also. One never knows what will sound best in their system and room until one demo's. 
t_ramey, I don't know the answer to your question but I have always been told by many knowledgable people to only connect the power cord the way you are currently doing it.
@samac, I agree you have to try the connectors from Furutech someday and be your own judge. Systems, like rooms are very different and mileage might differ. For something like $45 for a male and female rhodium over copper carbon fiber housing from overseas off eBay, it's hard to beat, it it sounds good :-)
@tuffy72561 after doing further listening I still really like my Furutech SO22N power cords assuming they are built correctly because it does make a big difference!
With that said I believe the Matrix power cord would be a really good selection based on what I've read from others I know but I've personally not heard the Matrix. Over $1000 vs $250 depending on options.
The Furutech SO22N power cord is a lot of bang for the buck depending on what you use for the two connectors. Personally, I have several professionally made Furutech SO22N power cords (made by Mike Kay of Audio Archon others stores make them also) most with Rhodium over copper carbon fiber housing from overseas and inexpensive, but one power cord with Furutech Premium NCF connectors. I have pretty good audio ears (if I do say so myself) and I don't hear a difference, which tells me the inexpansive connectors and pretty darn good.
Guys, thanks for your kind words!

I've tried a lot of AC outlets over the years and other than perhaps wanting to use a gold-plated outlet in order to create an effect I like the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlets. I do have a FURUTECH GTX-D NCF (R) outlet on order not going to see it until sometime in March and then I'll put it on my cable cooker for a long time :-) Curiosity got the best of me.
I have not tried some of the newer outlets that recently came out, I'm tired or the merry go round and the 10 gauge wire that's always a challenge to work with.
To my ears and my tastes the Furutech GTX-D Rhodium outlets just seem to do it all right. Deep bass, good mids and handles the  natural presentation of the higher octaves and timbre as well.
@maxima95 the link that t_ramey posted is where I purchased a pair.
I also agree with aniwolfe, you can purchase parts or completed power cords from AudioArchon.com Mike made the majority of my Furutech power cords.
Yes, I have and used my Audiodharma Cable Cooker on my Oyaide power cords and well as other brands of power cords, speaker cables, interconnects, digital cables, AC outlets etc, but not on the brands that state not to, there are a few of them out there.
Worked quite well and saved me a heck of a lot of time during the break-in process. Does one need to use a cable cooker, heck no, lots of guys I know prefer to list to the changes as the new product breaks in. Others say its voodoo and break-in doesn't take place.
Me, I believe my ears and break-in is a necessity.
@celander I purchased my Oyaide power cords from an audio store in Japan and they were already 100% assembled by Oyaide with original paperwork and box, sealed. I sure wish I knew what the paper work said, it's all in Japenese! Almost all of the time I prefer to buy cables made by the company, however, I have made a few other power cords.
@kclone funny how that works out isn't it. I thought I had ordered the  TUNAMI GPX-R V2 but by mistake, I ordered the  TUNAMI GPX V2.
Now, I'm waiting for delivery of the  TUNAMI GPX-R V2 from Japan.
I ordered the GPX-R V2 on 2/12 and a few days ago realized I never received a tracking number, contacted the eBay store and the gentleman said oh, sorry, I got busy and forgot to ship it! Oh well, it's on the way to me now. I want to compare the Black Mamba to the other two.
@sadono, I have some power cords that the manufacturer cryoed. I also made come power cords that I had cryoed and after a long break-in, in my opinion, I preferred that flavor.
I have no idea if the Oyaide power cords are cyroed or not. Does anyone know for sure?
If they aren't cryoed I'll bet that cryogenically treating them would be a good thing, but one never knows until they try that favor.
On a slightly different note I received my TUNAMI GPX-R V2 power cord and currently have it on my cable burner along with a Matrix power cord.
Sorry for my above post spell check messed me up. I wanted to say flavor. Also I'm burning in the Matrix power cord for a friend, but al least I can audition it in my system.
I really like the Black Mamba I have.
I took a shortcut and used my cable cooker for a week, back in January.
@kclone @wig or anyone else with Oyaide speaker cable experience.
Is the Oyaide TUNAMI II SP-B V2 the best speaker cable Oyaide makes? I'm in need of a 3/M speaker cable with bananas.
Can anyone that owns the Oyaide speaker cables, make any comparisons to other speaker cables?
Have any of you owned the Cerious Technologies Graphene speaker cables which I'm very familiar with?
I'm currently using double runs of Duelund tinned copper in cotton oil impregnated speaker cables (16 & 12 gauge wire) that I made, sounds darn good, just wondering if the Oyaide could sound better?
Thanks in advance...
@wig, thanks for the information. Now the next bridge to cross is do I buy the speaker cables already made or save over $100 and purchase the wire and make them myself?
@wig, I'm still waiting to receive my Oyaide Tunami Nigor V2 speaker wire, should arrive sometime this week. I'll solder on the KLE Innovations bananas and also make jumpers and then burn in on my cable cooker for a week.
I finally received my Oyaide Tunami Nigor V2 speaker wire from Japan yesterday (9/M total). Wow, I didn't realize how heavy duty these were going to be. Now to create some time to make these speaker cables and jumpers and burn them in on the cable cooker.

@wig did you receive the PM I sent you yesterday?
@tuffy72561 I think the Super Stroke is a good power cord, especially for its price of well under $99. With that said I find the Oyaide Black Mamba V2, TUNAMI GPX-R V2, Furutech SO22N, and Cerious Tech GE to be better, and kind of all in the same league, of course, the power cords I just mentioned are in the price range of $275 to $350.
I'm hesitant to attempt to describe the sound of each power cord because quite frankly what I hear in my system is going to most likely sound different in your system.
I have owned or had in my system until broken in all the power cords you listed above. I would say the upper-level power cords are the Furutech DPS -4 which might be better suited for digital gear and the Cerious Matrix that I believe would work on all components.
If funds ($) are not readily available I wholeheartedly recommend the following; Oyaide Black Mamba V2, TUNAMI GPX-R V2, Furutech SO22N, and Cerious Tech GE.
If this helps, I did not like the Black Mamba on my Plinius SA Reference amp, it sounded thin, the TUNAMI GPX-R V2 sounded good on that same amp. 
I'm sure some others will chime in, and be able to better assist you with your decission.

I've been following the thread regarding the TC Enhancer and have PM'ed with Tim. I don't doubt that it's good stuff, I trust the ears of many of the posters in that thread. I'm just not ready to go that route yet.
I assume you have also used the TCE on your power cords also?
I do like the Matrix power cord, I had an opportunity to burn one in on my cable cooker for a friend, and then use it in my systems, if one has the money it's a good way to go.
@wig I agree with your thoughts on the Oyaide Tunami Nigor V2 speaker cables. I purchased the wire and built my own speaker cables and jumpers. to quote you, I also found the "Oyaide to be much more refined sounding with better sound-staging (precision) imaging, depth, bass, and transparency".
@tuffy72561 If you wanted to stay with Oyaide power cables I would recommend either the Black Mamba or the TUNAMI GPX-R V2. The Black Mamba is extremely flexible and lightweight for a 12 gauge power cord so it might work really well on your Sony SACD. Try your Silnote Poseidon ES Reference on another heavier component. The Cerious Tech GE and the Furutech SO22N are in the same league with the Oyaide power cords in my opinion, its just a matter of your personal tasts and to know that you really have to audition them in your system.
@nicked_wicked, even in the USA buying from a dealer one had to pay a ridiculous price which is why I purchased on eBay from reliable establishments. Several people posted that they purchased the Oyaide wire and built their own power cords and were very happy with them. Sorry, I have no EU experience.
CPT Super Stroke is good for the money but in my opinion at the bottom of the list. I think the Oyaide Black Mamba, Furutech SO22N are a bit better than the Cerious Tech GE, which is also a very good power cord. I have no experience with Silnote power cords.
Based on what you have stated I'd go with the Black Mamba, flexible, lightweight, sounds good with deep bass and a nice connection that will snap into outlet on your equipment.
The Matrix power cord will be a lot less flexible and heavier, and the DPS-4 is a heavy power cord.