Owners experience with Aesthetix Mimas integrated amplifiers

Considering the purchase of an Aesthetix Mimas.  Currently have  a Pass Labs int-150.  Would appreciate Mimas owners sharing their experience.  Difference in sound?

Showing 1 response by maw8c

I have a Mimas after experiencing quite a few integrateds including Esoteric f-05, Levinson 5805, Mcintosh MA7200, Pass Labs int-25.  The Mimas is the keeper.  It has this ethereal quality with music floating in the air.  Very open, engaging sound.  Bass is good but granted, not like the Levinson or the Pass in that regard.  Great soundstage.  Very much enjoy its sound.

Associated equipment include HifiRose rs150b, Zesto Atmos 2, SpaceDeck with Van den Hul cartridge, Neat Ultimatum XLS, Cardas clear Cignus interconnects.