Owners experience with Aesthetix Mimas integrated amplifiers

Considering the purchase of an Aesthetix Mimas.  Currently have  a Pass Labs int-150.  Would appreciate Mimas owners sharing their experience.  Difference in sound?

Showing 1 response by joey54

I can't really comment on the difference in sound between the Pass Labs int-150 and the Mimas as I have not heard the Int-150.

For my listening preferences the Mimas is the best integrated I've heard. I have a few integrated amps in the past and when I chose the Mimas I had an Ayre AX-7e plus Codex DAC driving a pair of Harbeth SHL5+'s. A good combination but the Ayre EX-8 with internal DAC sounded dramatically better. So I tried a few other integrated's, Hegel 390, Luxman L-507uXII and the Ayre AX-5/20. I almost bought the EX-8 but then I heard the Mimas and my search was over. 

The Mimas with the internal DAC card excels in the areas that mean the most to me, midrange warmth, sweet treble, excellent bass and the transparency and musicality that make every listening experience special for me. No matter. what type of music I play, rock, folk or classical,  nothing phases it. I have not heard an integrated that I would choose over the Mimas.

I changed my speakers to Vandersteen Treo CT's and my sound got even better. One more thing, Jim White advises using the supplied power cord plugged directly into the wall. I tried a few higher end cords and as Jim said his cord plugged into the wall is dramatically better than any of the other pc's I tried.

BTW, unlike 4 years ago, Aesthetix now makes their transformers in house. My Mimas is as quiet as a tomb.

Good Luck!