Owner of "Anticables" and dealer for Spatial Audio is an amazing guy

I just wanted to share my experience with Paul (the owner) of Anticables and dealer for Spatial Audio. My experience with him was actually related to Spatial audio speakers rather than his cables, as he is a demo site and dealer for Spatial Audio. I spoke to Paul regarding coming to audition the speakers and he was extremely friendly and invited me to his home where the speakers are set up. I had to change the day of the audition due to unforeseen issues and moved it back to the following day. Paul was getting ready and packing for the show out in DC that is going on right now, but still fit me into his schedule.

I came to his home and was greeted by him and his very sweet wife, Judy. Paul led me to his listening room and set me up in there with all of his equipment and let me use his own personal system to check out the speakers. He even brought me dinner while I was listening!

In the end I'm not sure that the Spatial Audio speakers were for me, but all I can say is that Paul is an extremely friendly and awesome guy. If you are considering purchasing Spatial Audio speakers or cables from his business Anticables, you cannot work with a better guy. I wouldn't hesitate to purchase anything from him, and I am very confident that if you had any issues he would take care of you.

Showing 3 responses by subsonic1050

Yes, it actually makes me sad that I didn't like the Spatial audio speakers more. To be fair to the speakers I haven't been feeling the best the past few days, and I actually wonder if my hearing is a bit off. Still, there was something about the treble that just wasn't hitting me right. They seemed slightly harsh to my ears. Paul actually said that the speakers I listened to were the old M3's, and that Spatial audio is releasing a new M3 which is a complete redesign when it comes to the tweeters. Rather than utilizing the top speaker cone as a horn for the tweeter the tweeter will be broken out as a separate driver entirely. Apparently the tweeters will now also be driven DIRECTLY by the amplifier, with no capacitor in between to change the sound. Radical stuff.

At the end of the day I really wish I had liked the speakers more because I would have loved to purchase them from Paul. I do know that the speakers sounded great and a lot of people really love the sound from Spatial Audio. I figured that the very least I could do was to share what I considered to be truly above and beyond excellent customer service - what could really just be considered excellent hospitality. You could tell Paul was a genuine guy with a real passion for music and audio. Gotta love and respect that.
That's what he told me as well! It sounded like there were slight delays in getting the new speakers produced, but Paul expected to have some soon. I really would like to hear them as well. 
mpignone - You heard the new version at CAF? I was hoping maybe they had addressed some of those issues. Interestingly, I watched a series by "New Record Day" on Youtube discussing some of the design issues with open baffle speakers. They are actually far more complicated to design than I would have guessed. It's no wonder they are still tweaking the design, and for a company as new as Spatial I would expect they will be making large revisions with pretty big improvements fairly often. It sounds like Clayton is a great guy as is his company. Even as is plenty of people really love them. I read a review on stereophile about the new version at CAF and they loved them. I actually spoke to Paul about them as well and he said overall they are definitely an improvement over the older ones. I just bought some Tekton Double Impact SE's and I have to get them broken in and hooked up to some better gear. I have 2 different amps on order that should be here Friday for me to try out - right now they are just hooked up to an Onkyo AV receiver and they sound pretty darn good already.