Overhang question

Hi folks, I need your help. I have a Fidelity Research FR-66S tone arm and Ortofon SPU 85 Anniversary cartridge. How to set the overhang with such a fixed cartridge/head shell SPU? I mean I cannot move the cartridge back and forth to fine tune the overhang. So what should I do if I could not set the correct overhang? Should I adjust the spindle to pivot distance a bit so the overhang could be set correctly? Thank you in advance.


Showing 1 response by palewin

Sorry if this response turns out to be incorrect, since my own tonearm is the FR-64fx which has a different head shell, but I just looked at my old FR-60 series manual. Copying from page4: "...by loosening the large screw on top of the head shell with a coin you can slide the cartridge and spacer forward and backward. The distance from the front of the head shell to the stylus tip should be adjusted so that it is 7mm. If this cannot be achieved by sliding the spacer, try attaching the cartridge in a different position on the spacer, or turning the spacer around." Perhaps this will help.