Overhang question

Hi folks, I need your help. I have a Fidelity Research FR-66S tone arm and Ortofon SPU 85 Anniversary cartridge. How to set the overhang with such a fixed cartridge/head shell SPU? I mean I cannot move the cartridge back and forth to fine tune the overhang. So what should I do if I could not set the correct overhang? Should I adjust the spindle to pivot distance a bit so the overhang could be set correctly? Thank you in advance.


Showing 4 responses by dazzdax

Palewin, thank you for your reply. The SPU cartridge is integrated with the head shell, so I can't move the cartridge itself back and forth. There is only one solution in my opinion and that is to adjust the spindle to pivot distance a bit, so the overhang would be correct. I suppose it is more important to get the overhang correct even if the measured spindle to pivot distance deviates a bit (a few mm's) from the specified value.
