Over time, with playing constant playing, do vinyl records wear out?

I am resurrecting my 60's, 70's & 80's LPs. None have a clean apart from the cursory anti-static brush. My question is do these circular vinyl music discs wear out. With a new cartridge needle, gunge or no gunge in the groves, the hard needle material must wear away the indentations in a vinyl record. So no amount of cleaning will save them over time. Friction will win out...
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Showing 1 response by larryi

Of course they can suffer wear from repeated playing.  But, most records, if kept reasonably clean, and if played with a stylus that is not worn and one that is properly aligned, will continue to sound good for so many play cycles that you will be sick of any record long before it is worn to the point you do not like the sound.  Noise levels (ticks and pops) tend to rise a bit with age, but, most other signs of wear seem to not be that noticeable.