OUTLAW RR2150 vs NAD C 326BEE sonic differences?

I own an NAD C 326BEE with a pair of Sound Dynamic 300ti speakers which sounds pretty darn good but the NAD has no phono. I wonder if the OUTLAW RR2150 would be a step up in sound quality. I do not want to spend the money just for the phono option and take a sideways step in sound.

Has anyone compared these two amps? Even a comparison with a NAD 320 or 325 would be helpful.

If anything I would be looking for more high end 'open' quality and/or inner detail.

thanks for any info / tips


Showing 2 responses by rar1

I owned the NAD C320BEE for a number of years, which is the older brother of the C326BEE. If you search the review archives here, you will find my review of the 320BEE from 10 years ago.

I own the Outlaw RR2150 currently and have owned it for the past 7 years.

I like both products, a lot.

The build and sound qualities of each amp are pretty similar ... they are in the same class ... good solid performers. Get the Outlaw if you want a tuner. The Outlaw is a bit more sensitive to the other components in your chain ... pair it with better speakers or a better CD player and you will notice the differences a bit more than you would with the NAD.

The Musical Fidelity phono amp for $200 or so is a great buy, if you go with an outboard.

The volume control on the Outlaw is not as annoying as all that. Turn the receiver on and manually set the volume. Just how often are you going to futz with the volume? You can always hit 'mute' when the phone rings.

Admittedly, it was a wtf moment seven years ago when I purchased the Outlaw. But after awhile, I realized that I just didn't futz with the volume that often and it's not like any of my other amps had remote controls.
