For the brave of heart, the way of doing this is to 1) fix your equipment in place (bolt them to the floor or wall) so they are no longer portable appliances. 2) Install a fuse disconnect switch at the wall withing 5 feet of the unit 3) hardwire from the fused switch to the unit. If anyone asks, I know nuthin' and I'll deny this asinine, albeit legal, suggestion.
Out of the mouth of babes
Last week I posted a question regarding the type of wiring, outlets, ground connections, ect. Well my brother (a non-audiophile) is in the process of building a house, and just asked me how many AC lines to run for his "stereo". After a short discussion of what I had learned, he came up with a really interesting question: If the audio equipment is no longer under the manufacturers warranty, and the plan is to leave it in one place for an extended period of time, why not run the copper AC wires from the wall, without an outlet, directly to the equipment? In this way, one would avoid the problems associated with choosing which outlets to use, plug quality, and power cord quality/problems. My first impression is that it's definately not to code (God forbid there is a fire anywhere near it), but it really has me thinking! What do you guys think about it?