Our we Lazy?

I want to start this thread by clearly stating that the purpose of this question was not to fight or rehash the battle of tube vs. solidstate as one being ultimately superior or better than the other one.I hope that besides personnal taste and the different "flavors" listeners enjoy, along with system matching, there is agreement that in the last ten to fifteen years that reference tube and solidstate amps sound very much alike and more like real music. The days of euphonic warm or detailed but harsh-bright sonic signatures are gone when it comes to world class amps.When my audiofile friends and I discuss power amps we always come back to these questions;1}With the finest solidstate amps[Pass Labs,Rowland,Ayre,Edge,etc.]sounding so terrific, why put up with the hassle of re-tubing,getting the right tubes NOS etc.,and the expense of re-tubing on a on going basis?I guess one man's "tube rolling" for pleasure is another man's pain in the butt.2}The sound of a tube amp changes over time as the tubes age, why put up with this hassle when it can be avoided? We like the fact that a solidstate amp will preform at its optimial level everytime we listen to our systems. Please you all, these questions are sincere and not an attack on tube amps or their owners.As stated already the goal was not to fight over something that is obvious ,world class amps are world class amps regardless if there tube or solidstate! We have listened to wonderful sounding tube amps[VTL,LAMM,ARC,CJ,etc.]and thought they were great, however they offered no special virtues that would lead us to put up with what we regard as "hassles" compared with solidstate amps. We would love to hear from our fellow GON members regarding this topic and what has been your experience regarding this topic.Let's not fight but have FUN sharing our opinions and viewpionts on this topic. Remember we might just be "Lazy" audiofiles who rationalize our own position on this matter!
My main system is SS (Naim Nait 5i and Naim CD5X).

I've recently entered the SET world via the Antique Sound Labs Head MG MK III with Grado 325 gold headphones.

At this level, I certainly appreciate the different flavors in the two cuisines. The SS system certainly has the edge on the PRAT thing and in bass grip and punch, the SETs experience is extra special on that quality of living air around the music, and the resonant quality of a note fading slowly...

Perhaps someday I'll find, and afford, the best of both in one unit; 'til then it's fun going back and forth.
I've lived with both tubes and solid state gear. When I started to get back into the hobby this year, the choice of amplification didn't take much thought at all. Solid state was the way to go. I didn't want any potential maintenance headaches, I didn't want to deal with tube rolling, and i didn't want to have to replace an expensive set of tubes. I did a lot of listening, and the pure SS systems I heard all sounded like they were missing something. On the other hand, there were some things the SS systems did right that I found really enjoyable. The fact that the SS amps give me a lot more flexibility when it comes to speaker choice is just another bonus.

After a bit of listening, I came across the ideal solution. I heard the Lamm hybrids. All of the sudden, I had the things I like about tubes and the things I like about SS in one amp. I can deal with one tube per amp. I bought them, and ended up pairing them with an Audio Aero Capitole MKII, which uses a tubed output stage.

The hybrids have gotten me to the point where I don't feel the need to worry about amps at all, and since the Capitole is running direct, my preamp problem is solved. Unless my financial situation changes dramatically, the Lamms are here to stay. Given an unlimited budget though, I'd build a system around Audio Note Kegons. I guess in the end, when tubes are really done right, transistors just can't quite touch them.
Yes 1Markr I do agree with you, its also fun having
you.Yes, having tube front end,it makes a big diferrence.
Having the best of both world.I could tell you are