Otomon Labs. Soundgate Japan

Has anybody purchased an amp made by Ken Uesugi from Otomon Labs/Soundgate in Japan?
I’m seriously thinking of getting a 2A3 amp, but keen for any feedback. Everything I’ve read looks good, but buyer experience is invaluable. 
Thanks in advance. 


Showing 1 response by wwwmore

Very very high recommend tube amplifier maker. Recently, I ordered VT-62 tube amp, this one > http://soundgate.net/product/MTQ2NQ...highend

Ken 's service is very very good, he is very kind, response my mail very fast. But the most impressive is quality of product. This is one of the best amp that I have heard, sound is really incredible. It impress me much from the first time as hearing the fist note of music from the amp, and it is getting better and better every day. Im very satisfy about this amp.