OTL amplifiers

Can anyone explain to me, in layman's terms, the advantages or disadvantages of OTL amplifiers? I have heard a lot about them, but have not listened to any to date. I am really a tube fan and want to reach tube nirvana and don't know if OTL is the way to go. Are they suitable for all types of music? Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by dfrigovt

Thanks everyone for your input. The discussion went well beyond what I was looking for, but that's not a bad thing. My feeling right now is that these things are far too fussy for my liking. I am willing to work for my audio heaven, but I do not want it to rule my life. Changing tubes frequently, searching the ends of the earth for the proper speaker, blowing speakers, etc. is not my idea of nirvana. Thanks again, all, for the insights.