Other hobbies with these economics?

Audio seems to have an interesting set of economics for the consumer. Items depreciate substantially the minute they "drive off the lot", but remain just as "valuable" for many, many years in most cases. With proper care, these components retain basically 100% of their performance and usefulness, even with daily use. Compared to autos, computers, boats, etc., a well-cared-for used audio component is just as valuable, but much cheaper, than a new copy of the same thing.

Are there other hobbies where this relationship holds up?


Showing 1 response by griswold

beer steins. audiophiles always know what they have and buy and sell according to current market value. we are all happy with our sales, purchases and goosebumps. stein owners typically don't appreciate what they have because somebody somewhere gave them this thing that just requires space to store, hence they can be purchased for pennies on the dollar at the local rent-a-space antique mall, brought home and enjoyed while they appreciate. it is too bad that the black plague is responsible for the existence of the beer stein but it sure is nice to drink a polaner out of a 1k stein that you just paid 70 bucks for while sitting in front of the hi-fi.