Ortofon Silver Meister SPU

How will this cartridge mate with a TD-124 table, an Ortofon SMG 212 tonearm, and a Project Tube Box MK II. Will I need a step up transformer?

Showing 1 response by ldorio

Hi Fromunda,

Great cartridge for a TD-124 and SMG-212.

You will, however, need to think about a different method of amplification. The Meister Silver has an output of 0.2mV, which is too low for use with the MC section of the Tube Box (which only does 60dB gain and 100 ohm impedance).

A step up transformer would be a good option here, as you'll then be able to achieve the proper gain and loading parameters.

Some people may argue that active MC preamps are more convenient than transformers. This gets to be a matter of religion, but in short, SPU cartridges have a certain vintage appeal and many feel that using an active device would be going against the original methods. That said, a transformer is also going to have its own unique sound quality compared with an active unit.

The Ortofon Verto transformer offers 2 gain options, one of which is designed specifically for SPU use.

Hope this sheds some light on the topic for you!

Louis Dorio
Ortofon Inc (USA)