Ortofon RS309D tonearm repair

I've got an Ortofon RS309D tonearm with a loose arm tube. Not sure how this happened but the arm tube wiggles where it meets the black housing under which the tracking force mechanism resides. Can't figure out if any of the screws outside the housing allow one to take a look inside. Also not sure if I would I be able to fix it or get things back together.

Anyone have any advice or know of someone who fixes tonearms? Not that location would be an issue with shipping, but I'm in SF Bay area.




You could have damaged the bearings.

You would need to send the arm to someone experienced in rebuilding arms like Audio Origami in the UK or Richard Mac at Analogmagik.

That problem is not uncommon with that tonearm. It is not the bearings. It can be repaired. Dover has some good suggestions