Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?


Showing 3 responses by ldvalve

" the Reed is the real deal....and i can't wait to be able to compare the Technics/Reed to the Garrard/Triplaner head to head both with A90's next week "

this will be very interesting , please keep us posted on this battle .also like other said if you don't mind trying the A90 on the Reed arm and see how it does.

"the Technics/Reed is really a lively combination. the music leaps from the grooves "

Thanks Mike for your promise on following up the test .
i will try the reed arm on my SP10 mk2 soon.

Dear Nandric.
I use the Reed with ZYX airy3 . this combo sound great .