Ortofon MC A90 cartridge

I have had this cartridge for just over a month now and WOW.

The A90 IMO is as pure a cartridge that I have ever heard.

If you like your system you will absolutely luv this cartridge.

Thanks Mike L for giving me the tip - revealing and musical- absolutely. ruthless - never

Anyone else got one?


Showing 13 responses by downunder


there is no harm in playing the A90. install it and play.

I am not expert on MS tables, but a Fidelity Research would probably go well with it.

I used to own a jubilee and while it did little wrong, more importantly it did little right for me in my system.

It is now being thoroughly enjoyed by an audio buddy with my old VPI HRX that I sold him.

It will be interesting how you feel it performs in your system.

BTW, the A90 sounds equally as good (maybe better) on my Exclusive P3 as it does on the raven AC3.

Funny, I also have another A90 reserved from the next shipment in early Feb, so I have some more time to play with my tables and see if my delight dimms any in that time.

Lew / Axel

I guess you are telling me I should take my Ortofon M20FL Super out of its Thakker box and have a listen to it. It is looking ignored and neglected at the moment.

I will do that over the Xmas period and report back.

comparisons - hmmm - always difficult. My dyna XV-1 has been my reference for quite a while now.

In my system the A90 seems to have an uncanny ability to easily differentiate musical and recorded differences more from album to album. This is also the case even from track to track differences more than any other cartridge I have heard.
It always does this with control,poise and an eveness without any frequency spotlighting or other obvious downsides. The A90 is sounding more like my system and its voicing than a cartridge - which is what I luv.

That the A90 can sound absolutely wonderful on a current Raven AC3/Phantom combo, but equally well on a 30 year old Exlusive P3 DD table says something.

The dyna in comparison has a signature sound that you hear from album to album. Listening to the dyna in isolation you would not really think that.

I really think Ortofon are onto something special with their unique SLM manufacturing process to make the cartridge body.

Mike is buying another A90 and I am almost at the same decision point, so I guess you know how we feel :-)
Axel & co

This thread is for anyone who has heard or bought a A90 or anyone who has interest in an A90
- not for MM lovers who have never heard the A90 and try to make this about MM vs MC. You 3 or 4 guys have your own 27 page MM lovers guide thread to discuss that.

Axel, that your ML phono/setup can only sound reasonable at 47k says more about your current setup than anything, as you are definately in the absolute minority favouring 47k.

If you read Fremer's review or Robm1 comments, who have actually heard both - the A90 is clearly in a different musical and sonic league compared to the Windfeld for only a little price premium.

perhaps Robm1 can elaborate on what differences he has heard - not for your benefit but for anyone interested in an A90.

A90 vs Nagaoka MP 50 - the MP 50 is a great cartridge and is well and truely as you say a giant killer - maybe up to 3k compared to some MC's - It certainly is better in every respect than a Miyabe Shilabe cart at $2800 which I have heard in my system.

In time I will also listen to the ortofon M20FL super and report.

The A90 however is comfortable better than the MP50 in my system.

Why only Ortofon sell limited Edition of 400. Frankly 400 top of the line cartridges are a LOT of cartridges for any top of line model and probably several years or more supply for other cartridge makers. Ortofon are back ordered by 6- 8 weeks, so clearly at the moment demand is outstripping their ability to manufacture and supply.

Quote from Ortofon -

"The production capacity for A 90 is limited as the Single Laser Mould is a very special process. The structures for A90 are produced by a Danish research Insitute, Teknologisk Institut Aarhus, their capacity is limited at the machine is one of 3 in all Europe.
They use it mostly for research purposes but we are a partner for them in their research for using this process for manufacturing "

Compared to other manufacturers top of the line cartridges Ortofon is actually cheap, so Ortofon should be praised for that alone.

Hi Vetterone

Nice to hear from another who has heard the A90 in their own rig. That it competes evenly with its more expensive peers says a lot.

If you were only to compare one MM at Mike's place - make it the MP-50 - selfish reasons for that choice as I am familar with the sound.

BTW - fantastic selection of vintage tables!!

I have been equally impressed with the build quality and performance of my newish 30 year old Exclusive P3 & P10.

cheers and enjoy.
Axel, good news that you are getting better performance out of your Winfeld.

Lewm, not sure buy try the lower setting - you can always go back.

I have been using 100 ohms, so I may try my 50ohm setting now on my phono :-)

Not sure what VTA the other A90 folks are using, however I thought I would share.

Sometimes it is hard to teach old dogs new tricks. In all the years of listening to MC's and the last 8 with the dyna XV-1, I have always set the VTA around level or back down - you know the audiophile rules - back down = less treble/bright - back up - more treble or brighter.

I slightly raised the back up and the improvement in sound is quite startling. Clearer, more transparent yet also more pure/organic, better drive and bass impact. A very nice improvement to what was all ready wonderful.

I do change from 50 ohms to 100ohm loading and 50ohms may sound a little more pure and 100ohm sounds a little more vibrant. In my system setup I mostly prefer 100ohms - probably more to do with the slightly laid back presentation my system has.

Now that I re-read this thread I see Mike L was using his A90 slightly back up as well.

What setup paramaters do others use?

I have had the A90 on my vintage Exclusive P3 for a couple of mnths now. I planned to move it back to my Raven AC-3 as the Raven is getting about as much play as Tiger is with his wife.
Trouble is, I am loath to re-set up the A90 on the Raven, as it is sounding so sweet on the P3. Still saving for that 2nd A90. My XV-1 after many years service will be retired with dignity and grace.


I set the A90 on the Phantom / Raven on Sunday when the family was out.
You are right, the A90 sounds great regardless. I am sure with my back slightly up it sounds better than it did several mnths back with the Phantom.
Obviously with the Phantom you can easily experiment over time.

I don't have any Craig, but I think I might have some kontact around somewhere.

Anyway, try the A90 with the arm slightly up at the back and see if you feel it is an improvement.
Hi Andrew

Any further thoughts, Yes, that the millenium mat is now an obvious weakness.

When I put the A90 back onto the Raven (I had not really played it for two mnths when the A90 was on the P3), I felt that the raven was just too reserved and big easy smooth. It could not compete with the P3 on speed, drive and tempo.

Took it off and just used no mat - copper top. WOW big difference. A lot better drive in the bass and music sounds better with great tempo. copper top might be a bit too much in the upper frequencies

The millenium mat is a little laid back tempo wise and soft in the leading edge and bass a little rounded.

playing around with a few mat options at the moment, however the raven is a lot closer to the P3 with the millenium mat gone.

The A90 lets you hear it all :-)

What mat do you use?

Hi Diva, great system - plenty of luvely tubes!!

let us know how it sounds on the might Micro. Should sound sweet as.

BTW, what phono stage do you have - tube research?


Yes the Strads are rather like a sexy Italian female, yet the Strads don't age :-)

I live in Sydney and it is very hot for this time of year at the moment.

I hope the new phono stage works out awesome, as the A90 will appreciate any improvements in the chain.
the A90 will only get better with more play

I generally have the loading at 100ohms, sometimes at 50ohms if the music is overly edgy. \
and you?
