Ortofon as309s or sme m2-12r

For a Garrard 301 and a Lyra Delos cart (7.3g weight and complianece of 12) I'm looking for a 12" arm.
Where will you go between Ortofon as309s,sme m2-12r
or others ?

Thanks in advance to all repliers.

Showing 1 response by pani

I am also looking at a similar choice. Ortofon or SME.
Ortofon is known to be a Jelco with probably a better internal wiring and some additional adjustment features above the stock Jelco 750D tonearm.
SME on the other hand is of course more reputed for their analog products. The M2-12r is one tonearm which many prefer over the SME V tonearm. That gives it more credibility.

But in the end how different are they sonically, I do not know.