Original prices for LP albums

What did popular LP albums (Dylan, Zeppelin, etc.) cost full retail in 1984 in USA ?
In 1988 ? In 1991 ? in 1995 ? (Some stores still sold them in 1995). Talking about NEW only - with NO CUT OUTS or hole punches. Anyone who remembers, thanks for info.

Showing 3 responses by rar1

Going back to 1971 or so, EJ Korvettes (Brooklyn) sold albums as follows:

Category D for $2.99, Category E for $3.49, and Category F for $3.99, when on sale. Different labels went on sale each week. Non-sale prices were roughly 50 cents more.

What comprised each category? To a 14 year old, who knew? Release year had something to do with it. Hard Day's Night cost me $2.99 and Tarkus cost me $3.49. Four Way Street was a double album and cost 2 times E.

Fast forward to 1984, J&R Music (Manhattan) sold most albums between $6.99 and $8.99.

After that I started buying CDs, which started out costing 50% to 100% more than albums.


All us old farts that remember Korvettes. OK, let's go for broke. Who purchased records at A&S and Mays?


A&S was awesome, but had a limited selection. So did May's. I would go to the stores on Fulton Street in downtown Brooklyn. Mays, Woolworths, EJ Korvettes, and A&S all in a row.

My dad was an appliance repairman and many of the manufacturers' service centers were downtown also. So, while he did his thing, I did mine.

Mays and A&S had more cut-outs than Korvettes. And yes, A&S was Abraham & Strauss.
