Original prices for LP albums

What did popular LP albums (Dylan, Zeppelin, etc.) cost full retail in 1984 in USA ?
In 1988 ? In 1991 ? in 1995 ? (Some stores still sold them in 1995). Talking about NEW only - with NO CUT OUTS or hole punches. Anyone who remembers, thanks for info.

Showing 2 responses by mrmitch

RW, thought it was Eight Jewishk Korean War Veterans. Used to buy my LP's from the Edison store on Rt 1 (maybe Woodbridge?)in NJ. Also from Two Guys From Harrison store in Middletown where I grew up. Most albums were from 3.99 new to 6.99 .
A&S was indeed Abraham and Strauss-used to go the the one in Red Bank, NJ in the 60's.