''Óriginal parts'', ''identity '' and ''retip'' conundrum

The ''identity enigma'' is easy to explain with ''ownership''. Not everyone is familiar with logic or philosophy but everyone owns something or other.

Ownership assume ''one to one relation'' between an person (legal

bodies included) and one object of ownership. Think of question how

you can prove to own some object. You can also think about question

how to prove to be owner of, say an part of your stolen car.

What the ''force'' of the expression ''original'' is , is an enigma.

However Americans are typical example of   people who are very

fond of ''original parts'' and willing to pay huge amount of money

for the ''precious'' (grin). By the so called ''retips'' the assumption

is also ''original'' versus ''not original parts''. This means that 

every manufacturer as well ''retiper'' uses his own styli and or

cantilevers. The fact however is that they all buy those ''parts''

by either by Namiki or Ogura. So, logicaly speaking, the origin

of those ''parts'' are either Namiki or Ogura. Is gluing an cantilever/

stylus combo in the ''joint pipe'' rocket science?


Showing 12 responses by nandric

''Meaning'' and ''reference''.

One need to understand an sentence or statement to grasp  its

meaning. But the so called ''reality'' is not linguistic . That is why 

one also speaks about ''extra -linguistic reality''. The so called

''correspondence with reality''  is needed for an statement to be true,

Well the assumptions or assertions about ''original parts''  are

based on meaning but not on reality. The reality is that all styli and

cantilevers are not produced by manufacturer but by, say, two

Japanese Jewel companies. So all manufacturer as well retippers

get those from the same source. The expression ''original'' may have

''emotive meaning'' but this meaning does not correspond with

reality. Besides ''original parts'' presuppose identification which is

not linguistic but ''realistic'' in the empirical  sense. In this sense the

expression ''original''  make no sense, 


Dear pindac, I assume you are familiar with the saying about ''rules

and exceptions''. I ''covered'' the case of retippers and their ''possible''

stock of not anymore produced styli (Geiger, VDH, etc.). There is

no evidence that manufacturer also keep ''old styli'' in their stock.

General statements, so to speak, don't cover all possible cases.

My intention was to dismiss prejudice about retips. Think of new styli

in comparison with, say, elliptical kind. My experience is that new styli

are much better. Besides ''old kind'' can be worn out. 

There are many stories about hunters. This one come from my native

Serbia. Two friends are hunting not unicorns but everything in existence

which is eatable. BTW Serbians are known as very pigheaded. I left

because  one more would be unbearable One of the two pointed out

to the hill and stated: ''look there an wild goat'', The other: ''man you

must be blind, you should consult an optician. It is an an eagle !''  So

the ''arguments pro and contra'' continued till the  object  in casu'' started

to fly. ''Aha, see you an eagle''! The other: ''still an goat''. 

Some may recognise the argument by our beloved Dover: ''still rebuild''.

After 3 x in succession worn out stylus of  his  precious Dyna 17 still

rebuild while anybody can ask the question why rebuild of, say, generator,

damper, coil, joint pipe and cantilever while ONLY THE STYLUS needs

replacement???  And replacement of ''stylus only'' is called in usual

parlance RETIP. 


mijostyn, for ''word hairspplitter' the right forum is about dictionary. There

you can find any knowledge you like.

Rade, Jokes should be not interpreted very seriously or literal.  Besides

the fact that you have never heard this joke does not mean that there is

no such joke in Serbia. I am probably much older Serbian than you are

and as such know many more jokes than you. 

Dear JCarr, As I mentioned in my answer to pindac in the context of

''rules and exceptions''  the ordinary meaning of ''generalisation'' is

''not all x are such and such because there are exceptions.. Alas

logical interpretation of quantors ''all '' and ''some'' is different:

''for all x F& Gx '' means that if there is one exception the statement is

                            not true''

While for ''some x Fx&Gx  is true if there is  at least one x which satisfy

                             conditions F&G.

Alas quantor ''most'' has no logical interpretation. So we have no other

option than use ''most'' as in ordinary language or by ''medical use''.

Say ''smoking causes in most cases cancer'' instead ''smoking causes

cancer''. I am am exception while there are people who have never

smoked and despite of this fact were killed by long cancer..

In ''your case''' Lyra is exception regarding use of styli and cantilevers

because Lyra is able to provide Ogura with boron as well order specific

styli for its cartridge. One other question is why Lyra is capable  to

provide boron to Ogura instead of ''other way round''? My guess is

because of monopoly position and the fact that sapphire is much

cheaper. If I remember well you explained to me and others cantilevers

differences years ago. Aluminium kind has the advantage that the

stylus can be pressure fitted while other have other advantages, +

that you deed not like ''the sound of sapphire''' (grin).




While I was fighting against the ''myth'' or ''original parts'' I am now

confronted with an compatriot from Serbia as well an Kantian of

''free will'' an ''consumer free choice'' by decisions to either use

''retip'' or ''rebuild'' or ''refreshment'' choice . Not to mention the

choice to buy, say, 18 K for an Koetsu with diamond cantilever.

Now consider my compatriot . The average income in Serbia is

500 euro. This means that there lower incomes. Well our pindac

should explain how one person with such income can pay, say , retip 

with boron cantilever and micro ridge stylus for 600 euro? Not to

mention ''rebuild'' or ''refreshment choice'' which are totally unknown

reg, the cost because even Dover refused to state what his  3 x' rebuild

cost was. So my contribution about ''meaning'' and ''reference'' was 

totally ''fruitless''. The connection with reality is totally lost. 



Pindac, Which theory of money do you presuppose? You are talking about

currency  ever heard about barter? 

pindac, I mentioned barter as basics in the sense that countries exchange

commodities and services among each other and not money. Money

is the measure of value but not a value on its own. That is why Serbian

income is 500 euro pro months and Dutch minimal income 1200 euro.

One should look at clearance to grasp who are debtors and creditors.

BTW can you write in numbers American debts? Can you explain the

curious fact that despite all kinds of taxes all countries are in debts?

The ''oldest paradox'' is about the Greek liear. The Greek who stated:

''all Greek are liears''. 

But you missed my point which is ''still a goat'', That is our believe in

our own ''assertions'' . Those are, say, linguistic . But identification of

objects in extra-linguistic reality is not linguistic. So ''óriginal parts'' are

not what we believe but what we can identify as such. 

This is my ''point'' regarding ''retips'' as something totally different from

''rebuild '' or ''refreshment'' by which no parts which are ''rebuild'' are

mentioned. Assumption that  every manufacturer uses his own ''unique''

styli and cantilevers is based on ''sand'' because all get the styli and

cantilevers from the same Jewel companies Ogura and Namiki. This

means that this assumption is refuted. But as was the case by ''our

Serbian joke'' the other hunter stated '''still a goat''. for the ''flying 

object''.  The people  still ask the question : ''is this cart retiped?''

and if so refuse to buy ''poor thing''. Religions work in the same way.

While I do remember many Serbian jokes I remember only two

German. The first is: ''if theory and practice coincide then both

must be false''. The second is about philosopher: ''there is nothing

more easy than to refute an philosopher. One only need to read

some other''. 

The argument  about philosopher is known in English ''vocabulary''

as ''straw man'' argument. Those are also  usual in Serbia.


pindac, we all know the rules. By PayPal complaint  procedure

sufficient argument is that the item is not as described. As is also

known (?) that the warranty of PayPal is at the cost of seller. The

money he got is blocked till buyer report to have received the item

in good order. I am not sure if you are still ''against retips'' (grin).