"Original" equipment vs. upgraded equipment


I've always been curious as to why this is so important...at least to some folks? I've even seen one ad that stated: "born that way and not an upgrade". (Give me break.) As long as the equipment was upgraded by the OEM and brought up to current specs, what difference would it make, sonically or otherwise? Do people really believe that an upgraded piece of equipment is somehow inferior to a non upgraded piece? Can you hear a difference? Will it not last as long?  Please do tell. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

I don't want to sound like a crabby old fart, but precision in language counts!  Upgraded vs. original is not the same as modified vs. original when you are describing a unit for resale or determining what you think its value is.  At least to me, an upgrade is a change in the internals of a unit developed by (and in many cases done by) the manufacturer.  Like the Vandersteen 3 to 3A to 3A Sig or a VAC Ren 30/30 to a 30/30 Sig.  In my mind, the value of such units is increased as they are brought to more current designs and parts.  The value of modified units may or may not be better, based on who did them, how well they did them, etc.  While you won't get your investment back at resale, a unit modified by Dan Wright or SMc Audio will be more valuable than a stock unit.  OTOH, we've all heard (pun intended) of backyard butchers who return units in less than fully functional condition, if they return them at all.