"Original" equipment vs. upgraded equipment


I've always been curious as to why this is so important...at least to some folks? I've even seen one ad that stated: "born that way and not an upgrade". (Give me break.) As long as the equipment was upgraded by the OEM and brought up to current specs, what difference would it make, sonically or otherwise? Do people really believe that an upgraded piece of equipment is somehow inferior to a non upgraded piece? Can you hear a difference? Will it not last as long?  Please do tell. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by folkfreak

@grk regarding the difference between an ARC SE version that was the result of an upgrade from a non SE and one that was not. The latter while identical in circuit terms will contain some parts that are older than others and so will potentially age differently from a stock SE. Whether this difference is material or audible is questionable however it’s good to declare full provenance and provide all the paperwork.