Original dCS Delius vs the new favourites?

Just wondering how far things have come on? I have a Delius (2000 vintage I think - current value - about USD3k) that feeds some UCD switching amps directly and they feed a pair of Acapella Violins; source is a reclocked Denon 2900 with a dvdupgrades SACD board which outputs 24/44.1 on cd and 24/88 pcm on SACD. All in all it sounds damn fine to me. What I'm wondering now of course is how far things have come on in six years but I'm a bit remote and have no opportunity to hear the latest gear.

Will something like the current favourite Ayre / Bluenote / Esoteric DV50 (as opposed to X-01 or 3 to keep some realism!) clean this up completely - it seems a little hard to see how frankly? While on this - is the Purcell a major improvement for the Delius - I seem to recall some mixed feelings about the upsampling? How about more recent incarnations of the Delius?

Thanks for your thoughts / sharing your experience,


Showing 1 response by murrayp

Thanks Teajay,

It always surprises me how much more can be teased out of systems when you think they are already going pretty well. SACD is great on a few of my discs (red book doesn't come close on some) but the selection is the limiting factor of course. I do read of redbook cd players achieving "SACD sound quality" levels but I wonder how (and whether) that might really be possible (and how much might be a little bit optimistic / self supporting of the argument against SACD). I guess it's all relative though but I can see I'll have to make an effort to hear some of the newer machines.

Thanks again for your time, thoughts and direction,
